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Our First An Amazing World Newsletter! This is "1" benefit from signing up for An Amazing World! I will post first 3 letters THAT'S IT! To get MORE newsletters sign up for a FREE ACCOUNT here! This one is just like an intro.

So come on and Join An Amazing World Today!

An Amazing World
An Amazing World Newsletter An Amazing First Letter
 September 9,2008
In This Week's Issue...
:: An Amazing World Info
:: What's New
:: Member Benefits
:: Coming Up...
Note From The Creator,
     Welcome to An Amazing World! Thanks for signing up for the online newsletter! It means a lot to me. Well for kicks you will get a new newsletter hopefully every week. (you can unsubscribe whenever you want, but please don't) You can ask questions,get advice, or jsut have fun! So that's all for now! And remember please visit:
An Amazing World Info
How it Began

AawHello This is RJ!
I am the creator of An Amazing World.
A long,long,long time ago (1 year ago) A boy (Rj) wanted to make a site. So he asked his dad if he could buy a domain name for  him. He said no. So the boy ended up registering up for a free domain name. BUT with his own money he buys all the site equiptment. Cost him quite a bit of money. Now that he has a pretty good site his dad says he'll buy ihm a name. But, the kid says NO WAY! Guess why. HE ADVERTISED HIS SITE BEYOND WORDS! So he keeps his free name!
(and his dad copyrighted An Amazing World for him)
And that's how An Amazing World was founded.
What's New
AawRight now our Most Current update is our Login. More Updates are on it's way. So Stay tuned.
Member Benefits 
What Do i Get?

You must be wondering what else do I get for signing up! TONS OF MORE THINGS! I'm just trying things out. So don't worry Updates and A BUNCH of benefits are on it's Way.
Coming Up...
What's Coming.

SunsetHang on folks I'm working on a bunch of new updates in An Amazing World.
Just click that link to find out!
Stay tuned for more!
Thanks for reading folks!!! you will recieve another newsletter within the next week! So get ready to Enter An Amazing World!
Rj - Owner
An Amazing World
All of this is owned by An Amazing World Any Duplication or copyright infrigment will lead to severe consequences.

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An Amazing World Weekly Newsletter October 2008
Featured Article
Welcome To An Amazing World! Thanks for subscribing it means a lot to me! If you got more people to visit my site and subscribe I'd DEEPLY APPRECIATE it. Well anyway sorry for the late letter i've been doing a lot of work. AAW is still being updated I got cool new things like
stories,games,upload page,and much more!
Well I'm going to try to get letter more weekly but I can't guarentee. BUT I PROMISE YOU'LL GET 4 LETTERS A MONTH. But not necessarily in 4 weeks maybe in 2 maybe in 4. So Stay tuned and share An Amazing World!
And Please try to share the site and newsletter with ALL your friends.
Quick Links
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Thanks For Visitng An Amazing World!

Thank you for subscribing and visitng
I really appreciate it!
Stay tuned for the next issue!
An Aamzing World


Dear Reader,

SunsetWelcome to An Amazing World!
Thanks a lot for subscribing to the newsletter I really appreciate it. As you probally read on the left PLEASE SHARE MY SITE AND NEWSLETTER. So far I only got 25 subscsribers and i got most of them to visit my site. (You could be one of the cool dudes that went on my site without me telling you to) I jsut want to say Welcome and have fun with these newsletters! I post a lot of neat things.
 An Amazing World
Updates On An Amazing World
LogoHey Folks!
This is the Update Section!
Right now An Amazing World went through a big update!
We got A BUNCH of new stories (interesting/funny), jokes, and a brand new Upload & Download page! You can upload a file (up to 100 mb) onto the site! You can even download what you uploaded or what others put. Now it is much more convenient! The site is also now getting more member benefits. Go on site to read about it.
Article Headline
Article Subtitle
Try using case studies, success stories, testimonials or examples of how others used your product or service successfully. Solicit material from clients and vendors, or ask your readers to write. It's a win-win! You get relevant content, and they get exposure.
Insert a "read on" link at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website. Links are tracked, allowing you to see which articles create the most interest for your readers.
Fun Things!
The Fun Part! 
SunsetFun things to do on the internet! (Parent's permission needed) These are fun things to do on the internet! You could play a game,make-a-game,watch videos, Make videos, and read cool stories! For Videos  
is suggested.
For making a video good software is
Good games could be anything!
For cool stories:
There are many things you can do!
Coming Up...
What's New?
LogoNext up in the next letter is the advice column, the story column, and picture column!  Thanks for visiting
An Amazing World!
(sorry for the short newsletter I promise the next one will be SWEET!)   
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